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Extracting data
How to use Parseur core features to parse and extract data from emails and documents
25 articles
AI vs template parsing: pros and consUnderstand the benefits and drawbacks of Parseur’s three parsing engines
Manage your mailbox fieldsWhat are fields and how to manage them effectively?
Extract metadata from emails and documents with Metadata fieldsHow to use Metadata Fields to automatically add document metadata to your parsed result
Mailbox options and settingsAll mailbox settings and what they do
Fixing Documents with "New Template Needed" StatusWhat should you do when Parseur cannot process your document?
Use Labels to dynamically position fields (Dynamic OCR)How to use the Labels to capture data from fields that can move horizontally or vertically in a document
Extract PDF tables with OCRHow to setup your OCR template to extract data from PDFs tables
Only process or ignore certain pagesHow to use the page processing options to restrict processing to only certain pages or exclude some pages from the processing
When to use the Force OCR optionHow the Force OCR option can help when the text extracted from your PDFs is incorrect
Extract tables and repetitive structures from emailsHow to extract variable length tables and repetitive blocks in Parseur
Use the source view to extract links and hidden attributesHow to use the Source view in the Template Editor to capture hidden attributes like links
Understand how the text parsing engine worksUnderstanding how Parseur works in order to get the most out of your templates
Extract text from plain-text documentsTips and best practices to parse plain-text documents
Working with predefined mailboxesHow to use Parseur ready-made mailboxes to quick start extracting data from documents form a specific domain or industry
Full Text Content predefined mailboxUse the Full Text mailbox to extract document content and metadata
Food Orders predefined mailboxSupported platforms and extracted fields of the "food orders" predefined mailbox
Real Estate predefined mailboxSupported platforms and extracted fields of the real estate predefined mailbox
Property bookings predefined mailbox
Add custom values to extracted data with Static FieldsHow to use Static Fields to add custom data not found in the original document
Download and parse a webpage from a link in a documentHow to automatically download a webpage and parse its content
Advanced template actions: Skip document, Delete document, Rename, Disable, CopyUnderstand advanced template actions: what they do and how to use them.
Understand how Parseur picks a templateHow to work with multiple templates and ensure Parseur always picks the right one
Working with email attachmentsHow to extract text from documents attached to emails
Working with field constraintsAdd field constraints to be more restrictive on the content of a field