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Food Orders predefined mailbox

Supported platforms and extracted fields of the "food orders" predefined mailbox

Updated today

With Parseur, you can collect data from any food ordering platform that sends orders as emails or PDFs and send the extracted data to your favorite application or database.

This article assumes you already have a Parseur account. If not, you can sign up here.

How to use the food ordering predefined mailbox?

If creating a new mailbox:

  1. Choose Food orders as the type of mailbox

  2. Enter the name of your mailbox (optional)

  3. Click Create

If you want to convert an existing custom mailbox into food ordering:

  1. Open your mailbox

  2. Go to Settings

  3. Under Mailbox type, choose Food orders

  4. Click Save

Check out this article for general information about using predefined mailboxes.

What platforms are supported out of the box?

Here is the list of platforms and POS currently supported by Parseur, in alphabetical order:

Working with a platform that is not currently supported?

If you are able to procure sample restaurant order emails for them, contact us and we'll be happy to add support for it!

You can also try using our AI engine to extract data from food orders, without templates.

What platforms are not currently supported?

The following platforms are currently NOT supported because we haven't been able to procure email samples:

What fields are extracted from a food order using ready-made templates?

Fields extracted from one order to the next can vary depending on what information is present in the email

The following are the fields commonly extracted:

  • confirmationCode: order confirmation code

  • confirmationLink: link for the restaurant to confirm the order

  • customerFee: the price paid by the customer for the delivery (if any)

  • date / datetime / time: date and time stamp of the order

  • deliveryInstructions: customer instructions for the delivery

  • discount: discount applied (if any)

  • dropoffAddress, unitNumber, dropoffCity, dropoffState, dropoffZip, dropoffCountry: customer or delivery address (legacy, see note #1 below)

  • dropoffFullAddress: the full address parsed and geolocated (see more about the Address format)

  • dropoffDescription: additional instructions from the customer. Should be merged with deliveryInstructions

  • dropoffEarliestDateTime, dropoffEarliestTime: in case of future orders, the date and/or time of the scheduled delivery or pickup

  • dropoffEmail: customer's email

  • dropoffName: customer's name

  • grandTotal: the total price paid by the customer including currency sign

  • itemCount: number of items in the order

  • items: list of ordered items (see below for details)

  • link: in case the order needs to be downloaded first, URL to download (see more about the Linked format)

  • orderSubType: suborder type (see note #3 below)

  • orderType: type of order (Delivery, Pickup, Scheduled, see note #3 below)

  • paymentMode: mode of payment

  • pickupAddress, pickupCity, pickupState, pickupZip: restaurant address (most of the time, the full address is included into pickupAddress)

  • pickupName: restaurant name

  • pickupPhone: restaurant phone

  • reference: order number

  • serviceFee: platform service fee

  • source: ordering platform or POS name

  • subTotal: order total before tips, taxes and fees including currency sign

  • tax: tax amount including currency sign

  • textItems: for some (rare) platforms, Parseur isn't able to split items ordered into a list. When this happens, Parseur will store items as text in this field

  • tip: tip amount including currency sign (can also be a text like CASH)

  • unitNumber: Customer's unit or apartment number

The items field is a Table field and contains the list of ordered items. Each item can contain the following attributes:

  • description

  • extra: more details about the item

  • price: total price for this item

  • quantity

  • unitPrice: price per unit for this item

Can I get some test orders to try out the integration?

Unfortunately not, as orders belong to our customers and we cannot share them with other users. You will need to work with a restaurant to procure some emails.

Tips and best practices using working with a food ordering mailbox

#1 dropoffAddress vs dropoffFullAddress

Most customer addresses are extracted using the dropoffAddress, unitNumber, dropoffCity, dropoffState, dropoffZip, dropoffCountry sequence.

However, we are progressively replacing those legacy fields with the new dropoffFullAddress field which is more reliable and also sends geolocated coordinates of the location.

If you build a custom integration, you should make sure you both accept the legacy and the newer form.

#2 orderType and orderSubType

orderType is extracted from the order and is not always standardized across all platforms:

  • Delivery orders: orderType usually contains Delivery or Deliver

  • Pickup orders: orderType usually contains Pickup or Carry out

  • Future orders: orderSubType usually contains the information of future order and scheduled date can be found in dropoffEarliestDateTime

  • Adjustments to existing orders: orderType usually contains adjustment with the original order type in orderSubType

  • Canceled orders: orderType usually contains cancelled with original order type in orderSubType

#4 working with price amounts

Amounts are extracted with the currency symbol ($, £ etc.). Sometimes, amounts can contain text like CASH (tips especially).

If you need to convert amounts to numbers only, you can change the field formats to Number.

If you build a custom integration, you should make sure to only keep the number character set (0-9, . and ,).

#5 Get a copy of the template to tweak it further

Unfortunately, we are not able to share our managed templates since they can contain personal information from other customers.

Note, however, that our managed templates were created using the exact same template editor as the one you have. You can create your own custom template with it.

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