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Sending emails and documents
How to automate sending emails and documents to Parseur
15 articles
Document formats supported by ParseurTypes of documents Parseur can extract text from along with best practices
Automate email forwardsHow to setup auto forward rules to automate sending emails to Parseur
Parsing difficulties with different forwardingsForwarding with different email apps like Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, leads to different email content, even if emails look the same
How to Stop Parseur from Parsing Certain DocumentsYou have several options to prevent unwanted documents from being parsed in Parseur
Use your own email address to send emails to ParseurHow to white-label Parseur by using your own email address to send documents to Parseur
Send documents to Parseur using the APIHow to send text documents directly to Parseur via its API
Manage inbound email delivery delaysUse our redundant dual email addressing system to improve inbound email reliability when real time delivery is required
Split bundled PDFs into several documentsHow to use the "Split Document" feature to split documents bundled in a single PDF into several ones
Automate emails forwards from Gmail (new emails only)How to setup auto-forward rules to send emails from Gmail to Parseur
Automate emails forwards from Gmail (email backlog)How to setup mass-forward a backlog of existing emails from Gmail to Parseur
Automate email forwards from Outlook (desktop, exchange and to setup auto-forward rules to send emails from Outlook family products to Parseur
Automate email forwards from YahooHow to setup auto-forward rules to send emails from Yahoo to Parseur
Automate emails forwards from Apple iCloud (,, to setup auto-forward rules to send emails from iCloud to Parseur
Stop automatic email forwardsHow to disable automatic email forward to Parseur
Fix "Your message wasn't delivered because the recipient's email provider rejected it" error message in OutlookHow to get rid of the "Access denied, Your organization does not allow external forwarding" error.