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Exporting data
How to export and send your parsed data where you need it
8 articles
Automate Exporting Parsed Data from ParseurWhat channels and strategies are available to export parsed data to your applications.
Manually download extracted dataDownload extract data from your documents as Excel, CSV or JSON
Export data to Google SheetsHow to automatically send your parsed data to Google Sheets
Send extracted data to your favorite application with ZapierHow to send extracted data to your favorite app in just a few clicks with Zapier
Send extracted data to any application via MakeHow to send extracted data to your favorite app in just a few clicks with Make
Send extracted data to Microsoft Power Automate (Flow)How to create flows to send parsed data to Microsoft applications in real time with Power Automate
Send parsed data using WebhooksHow to use webhooks to send parsed data to your servers and services in real time.
Understand and fix export failed webhook eventsHow to troubleshoot documents with "export failed" status.